音响设计:Lady Gaga的贝司合成器“边缘的荣耀”

Lady Gaga has taken the pop world by storm over the past few years. Learn how to re-create (in Logic or your DAW or synth of choice) the bass synth from her hit single "Edge of Glory".  

在这个快速教程,我们将着眼于如何重现从最近流行命中,Lady Gaga的“荣耀的边缘”的合成器声音:

在这种情况下,因为它是一个相当简单的声音,我们将使用逻辑的ES 1 softsynth重新重低音合成器您在约1:05到歌曲听到的声音。让我们开始吧。

第1步 - 设置逻辑项目


点击默认EVP88仪器,在通道条的顶部, 选择01

... ...打开默认的ES 1窗口:

第2步 - 分析声音

接下来,让我们的听声音:它的辛苦一点,以让出清楚因为所有的歌曲的其他层,,但低音次没有过滤器扫描简单(AEF#- ð)整个票据使用相当暗的声音或华wahs,不像许多合成低音。攻击和腐烂是短暂的,但不接近拔毛或撞击声。关于建立更紧密听揭示,两个锯齿或方波,一个八度,除了有轻微的合唱,声音,并播放的音符奏,使它们之间有没有空隙。

第3步 - 创建声音

因此,这里是我的的ES 1版本:(点击下面的图片上看到一个大的版本)

检查设置密切合作,做你最好的重现他们完全一样,您可以,如果你这样做,你应该听到令人信服的版本的Lady Gaga的声音。


  • First, the Sub oscillator is set to a staircase wave, which is a little richer than a sawtooth. 
  • We're using a straight sawtooth for the primary wave, which plays an octave higher than the Sub oscillator. 
  • Note that the Oscillator Mix slider is set so that we hear a bit more of the Sub than the Primary. 
  • Next, Drive is all the way up, to add a little more edge to the sound.

  • The Filter is set to 24 dB, with no Resonance. 
  • The Cutoff to about 11 o'clock or so, to darken up the sound. 
  • Key is set to zero, so the filter stays at the same level throughout the keyboard range, and... 
  • Amplifier is set to Full to give us the maximum level. All the other modulation settings are set to zero, as we don't want any vibrato or tremolo in this sound. 
  • For the same reason, the Mod Envelope is set to zero. 

  • Next, note that the ADSR is set to a short Attack and Release, although neither are set to zero, which would add too much "snap" to the sound. 
  • The Decay is also fairly short, while the Sustain is set to its maximum, so the sound level doesn't drop off after the attack.

  • Below that, Analog is set to 100% to add a little richness to the bass, and 
  • Voices are set to Legato, so to be sure that there are no gaps in the sounds when it's played. 
  • We've also added a little Chorus to add just a little motion to the sound.



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退房逻辑ES2的裸露的教程 ,得到合成在逻辑上和的一个处理实时8设计的舞蹈音乐的 声音和现场制作电子舞曲奥拉夫Basoski给你一个在电子音乐的境界音响设计先声夺人。

Richard Lainhart

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Richard Lainhart is an award-winning composer, filmmaker, and author. His compositions have been performed in the US, Europe Asia, and Australia, and recordings of his music have appeared on the Periodic Music, Vacant Lot, XI Records, Airglow Music, Tobira Records, Infrequency, VICMOD, and ExOvo labels. His animations and short films h... Read More


Thank you for this great tutorial! Beside the way that it shows that the ES1 still can generate modern sounds its also good to see that the professionals also work with simple sounds and not every patch needs to be overloaded with modulations, fx or anything else.

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