검토 : 야마하 MG10XU, MG-시리즈는 더 좋은 것을 가져옵니다

Yamaha updates their MG-Series mixers, but do they offer enough features to stand out in a crowd? Matt Loel T Hepworth finds out.  

null 컴팩트 믹서는 모든 분노 것처럼 몇 년 전, 그것은 보였다. 모든 큰 프로 오디오 제조 업체 (반 작은 것)은 서로 다른 기능과 다양한 모델을 양산 해 시작했다. 선택의 부족이없는 동안 그래서, 내 질문은 : 누구는 정말 제대로 일을합니까?

야마하는 조금 늦게 게임에 있었다, 그러나 아마 그것은 그들에게 그것을 바로 얻을 수있는 시간을 주었다. 일본어 MG 시리즈 믹서가 도입되었을 때, 그들은 즉각적 히트되었습니다. 많은 소비자는 더 나은 소리 마지막에 지어진 뭔가 다소 일회용 디자인의 믿을 수있는 믹서보다 sayless한다 theirhow를 교체하는 데 필요한, ​​그리고 MG-시리즈는 확실히 법안에 맞게.

이제 세 번째 세대, 새로운 MG 시리즈 믹서는 새로운 기능과 더 많은 유틸리티를 제공합니다. 언뜻보기에 다른 열 개의 모델이있을 나타납니다,하지만 쉽게 다섯 가지 모델, 쌍둥이 각으로 일련의 생각. 모델 번호의 끝에서 XU 지정 내장 디지털 효과와 USB 연결을 나타냅니다. (MG06X, 무리 중 가장 작은이, 효과를 가지고,하지만 USB 포트에 연결합니다.) 예를 들어, 아픈 검토 할 MG10XU MG10은 표준 아날로그 효과가없는 모델이나 반면, 10 입력, 효과 및 USB를 가지고, USB.

Figure-1.png The Yamaha MG10XU mixer, top view.

야마하 MG10XU 믹서, 상위 뷰입니다.

새로운 기능이 뭐죠?

저를 위해, 가장 큰 개선은 D-PRE 클래스-A 마이크 프리 앰프의 추가이다. 이 알면 스테인 UR 및 MR-시리즈 오디오 인터페이스 (스테인 버그는 야마하에 의해 소유)에서 찾을 같은 프리 앰프, 그리고 이득의 저잡음 및 부하와 함께 매우 음악 소리가 프리 앰프 것에 대한 명성을 얻었습니다. 그 모든 야마하 MG에 추가 된 경우, 그것은 나를 위해 충분한 것입니다.

또한 새로운 2 채널 녹음하고 컴퓨터 나 애플 아이폰과 아이 패드에 재생 기능을 제공합니다 (XU 모델)에 양방향 USB 연결입니다. (애플 카메라 연결 키트이 필요합니다.)가 아이 패드에 대한 몇 가지 좋은 저렴 레코딩 응용 프로그램입니다, 당신은 녹음, 편집, SoundCloud에 직접 업로드 Yamahas $ 1.99 구름의 기록을 확인해야합니다. 알면는 Mac과 PC를위한 스테인 버그 Cubase를 AI의 무료 사본을 다운로드 할 수있는 상자에 코드를 찾을 수 있습니다. USB 인터페이스는 놀라운 192 kHz의 샘플 주파수까지의 24 비트 녹음을 제공합니다.

일반적인 특징

, - 10 -, 12 -, 16 -, 20 - 입력 구성 MG-시리즈는 6 들어온다. 작은 모델 노브와 AC 어댑터를 가지고있는 동안 큰 모델은 채널 페이더 및 범용 전원 공급 장치가 있습니다. 16 - 20 - 입력 모델은 12 입력 모델에 선택 사항 랙 이어,와. MG10XU 팬텀 파워 4-XLR/TRS/TS 모노 입력, 26dB 패드와 80Hz의 필터 스위치, 100 Hz에서 2.5 kHz에서, 10 kHz의 고정 주파수와 3 밴드 EQ 및 입력 1과 2가 또한이 매우 간단하고 효과적인 하나의 노브 압축.

다른 6 입력은 세 쌍의 스테레오, 세 개의 모노 입력, 또는 이들의 조합으로 구성됩니다. theyre를 모두 10dB 언밸런스 1 / 4 커넥터 및 입력 5 / 6 및 7 / 8은 RCA 커넥터가 있습니다. 입력 9 / 10은 1 / 4 커넥터 또는 전면 패널의 버튼을 통해 모니터링을위한 USB 입력에서 신호를 받아 들일 수 있습니다. 100 Hz에서 10 kHz에서 선반 EQ도 제공됩니다.

모든 입력은 FX가 내장 된 SPX 디지털 이펙트 프로세서로 보낼 수 있습니다. MG10XU는 리버브, 딜레이, 모듈레이션 및 기타 특수 효과를 포함하여 24 가지 효과를 가지고 있으며, 내부 FX 리턴 채널로 라우팅됩니다. 각각의 효과가 약간 파라미터 노브와 프로그램, 그리고 다른 효과를 선택할 때 (아래에 누름) 프로그램 노브를 누르는 것을 기억 될 수있다. 효과는 어느 장애인 반환 노브 위의 버튼으로, 또는 옵션의 풋 스위치 / 활성화 할 수 있습니다. 또한 theres를 무시 하드웨어 FX의 송신 커넥터의 효과 내장,하지만 유드이 신호 경로에 외부 이펙트 프로세서를 반환하는 입력 채널을 사용해야합니다.

스테레오 출력, 모니터 출력, 전화 등 세 가지 출력 섹션이 있습니다. 모니터 출력은 1 / 4 밸런스 4dB 커넥터를 가지고있는 반면 스테레오 출력은 XLR 또는 1 / 4 밸런스 4dB 커넥터와 독립적 인 볼륨 노브가 있고, 모니터 노브는 또한 하나의 전화의 출력 레벨을 제어합니다.

이 소리 어떻게

공정한 비교를 위해, 나는 MG10XU 난 다음 1 / 4 밸런스 출력을 통해 컴퓨터에 연결하고 그 결과를 기록 베링거 XENYX 1202FX, 양쪽에 서로 다른 악기를 녹음하는 마이크 스플리터를 사용했습니다. 야마하는 단순히 더 나은 소리. 그 엑스는 그 야마하 풍부한 소리 단지, 청소기 나쁜 소리, 그리고 더 많은 뉘앙스를 생산하지 않는 것이. D-PRE 마이크 프리 앰프로 인해 일부 있지만, 임 있는지 그게 전부는 또한 야마하가보다 강력한 신호 경로가 의심. 설령, Behringerwhile는 야마하보다 훨씬 저렴 많은 featuresis을 가지고 있지,하지만 유드 더 큰 투자에서 더 나은 결과를 얻을 것으로 기대합니다. 야마하 SPX 효과도 큰 소리와 DSP 연구 개발의 수십 년에서 혜택을 누릴 수 있습니다.

누가 그것의를 위해

6의 하나의 고유 한 기능 - 10 - 입력 MG 믹서는 귀하의 손끝에서 믹서 액세스를 유지하여 라이브 공연이나 소규모 앙상블에 대한 이러한 작은 믹서 완벽하게 선택 BMS-1​​0A 마이크 스탠드 어댑터입니다.

Figure-2.png The MG10XU on a mic stand with the optional BMS-10A.

마이크에 MG10XU는 옵션 BMS-1​​0A와 함께 서 서.

당신은 모니터링을위한 전용 억스가 없다하지만, 대부분의 사람들에서 귀 또는 폴드 백 모니터에 모니터 출력을 사용하여 잘 할 것입니다. 내장 효과는 라이브 공연에도 좋고, XLR 또는 1 / 4 출력은 객실 사운드 콘솔 또는 사운드 시스템에 연결을 할 수 있습니다. 입력 1과 2의 압축기는 빨리 마​​이크 나 악기에 대한 약간의 동적 제어를 추가하는 좋은 일을하고 있어요. XLR / 1 / 4 및 RCA 커넥터의 선택으로, 알면 입력 옵션이 많이 있습니다. 옵션의 풋 스위치를 사용하여 효과를 우회 할 수 있다는 것은 너무, 정말 좋은 기능입니다.

USB 포트는 작은 프로젝트 스튜디오 레코딩을위한 MG10XU 큰 있습니다. 당신이 DAW 프로그램을 소유하지 않는 경우에 그리고, 그냥 무료로 Cubase를 AI를 다운로드 할 수 있습니다. 2 인 2 아웃은 대부분의 가수 / 작곡가에 충분하고, 유연한 USB 모니터링은 실시간 인터넷 방송을 위해 중대하다. 당신은 심지어 프로그램 노브 다섯 번 클릭하여 컴퓨터 재생 레벨을 감쇠 수 있고, 그 후에는 원하는 레벨을 설정 해제. 그리고 아이폰이나 아이 패드에 MG10XU를 연결하는 것은 당신에게 더 많은 원격 녹화 기능을 제공합니다.

다만 모든 종과 경적없이 작은 믹서가 필요합니다, 그러나 여전히 높은 품질의 사운드와 유틸리티를 요구하는 사람들을 위해, 표준 MG10은 시작하는 좋은 장소가 될 것입니다. 알면 또한 효과와 USB를 전술로 약 $ 50.00를 저장합니다.


나는 MG10XU에 대해 좋아하지 않는 몇 가지가있다. 섀시가 금속이고 예를 들어, 양측은 플라스틱이다. 이는 중량 및 비용을 줄일 수 있지만, 내구성이 걸림돌이 될 수있다. 또한 상자에 USB 케이블을 예상하지만 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 나는 또한 5 ~ 10 TRS 커넥터 및 전환 -10 / 4 수준을했다 채널의 1 / 4 입력을 원하는 (같이 나는. 별도의 USB 케이블이 없다)하지만, 어떤 작은 믹서에서 많은 것을 기대 이잖아. AC 어댑터는 큰 라인 덩어리이지만, 좋은 소리 믹서는 낮은 대응보다 더 많은 전압을 필요로하므로 개봉 더 나은 음질을 위해 컴팩트 한 사이즈를 거래.

심지어 몇 가지 작은 단점으로, MG10XU는 매우 다양한, 좋은 사운드 믹서입니다. 개봉 단순히 더 입력하거나, 위의 모든 필요로하는 라이브 공연, 기록 매니아 경우, MG10XU는 많은 가치를 제공합니다. 더 / 덜 입력, 이상 / 이하 기능을 필요로하는 경우에, MG 시리즈 믹서의 폭이 알면 아마 개봉 된 법안에 맞는 가​​격을 찾고 정확하게 찾을 것을 의미한다.

장점 :

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거리 가격 :

웹 사이트 :

Matthew Loel T. Hepworth

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MATTHEW LOEL T. HEPWORTH has been teaching music technology since 1984. The son of educators, he has the ability to thoughtfully instruct people to get the most from complicated music products and software. He authors the Cubase and WaveLab tutorials for macProVideo.com and authored several books including WaveLab 7 Power!, The Power i... Read More


Hey there -

I'm looking to upgrade from the MG06X to the MG10XU, mainly for the USB connectivity. The mixer I currently have is perfectly fine for most intents and purposes (I use it to hook up my studio monitors, listen to my computer audio and turntable. Problem I ran into is that even though the in-out port on my laptop SAYS it is in-out, that's only the case with a headset.

Anyway, to the real question: I read a review where someone complained that it's not possible to record individual outs, and that you only get a stereo mix. Do you happen to know if this is the case? I'm looking for something to hold me out for the next 5 or so years. Is the ability to split audio REALLY that big of a deal outside of a true studio setting?
Yes, the MG10XU cannot record individual input channels directly to the USB ports. The best way to think of this mixers USB port is as a stereo output. If that feature is important to you (as it is to many musicians, engineers, and producers), this may not be the best mixer for your needs. For example, if you wanted to record a drum set with 4 microphones, with each mic onto its own track in your DAW software, the MG10XU--like many small mixers--doesn't have that capability.

To record individual channels on discrete tracks, you may want to keep the mixer you have, but enhance the recording/playback capability with a dedicated multi-channel audio interface. You could also replace your current mixer with a model that can record multiple individual input channels to USB, though such a mixer would cost more money.

Stu Hughes
I have recently bought one of these and I am struggling to find the best fx to use for live Vocals I am not really a fan of delay. Also if I want to record myself on cubase will it only record as one whole mix. Thank you in advance.
Hi Stu,

The effects that folks put on their vocals is wide and varied. For some, a splash of plate reverb is all they need. For others with a more avant-garde esthetic, distortion, gated reverbs, and phasers are common choices. So it really depends on what you’d like to hear on your voice. I’d recommend trying a reverb, then use the parameter control to shorten or lengthen the reverb time to your liking.

As far as using it with a computer, it’s important that the red button above the Input 9/10 level control is in the ‘up’ position. That will allow you to monitor the previously recorded tracks, while only sending the signals from Inputs 1-8 to the computers recording inputs (via USB.)

I hope that helps,

Stu Hughes
Thanks Matt. If I record out to my laptop though from the mixer will it record as one whole track or will the vocal be separated from the track. Sorry for my novice questions.
The computer will always record all the inputs of the mixer simultaneously, and all mixed together as a stereo mix. However, the little red button I mentioned in the last post will prevent the playback from the computer from being recorded into the mix again. So if you want your vocals recorded onto a discrete track, make sure every Level knob is turned down to '0', except the one into which you've plugged your vocal microphone, and make sure that red monitor button is in the up position.

Hi Matt. Apologies for my naivety with this question... With the usb connectivity, does this mixer double up as an audio interface?

Yes, it does. I speak to that in the second paragraph of the 'What's New' sections, and at other various times during the review.

Bear in mind that it's a 2-in, 2-out audio interface, so you can't send each individual channel to its own discrete track in Cubase AI (the software it comes with as a free download), or any other DAW app. Basically, what it sends to the computer is identical to what is sent to the Stereo Out bus. That might be enough for some users, but folks who want one or more inputs sent to individual discrete tracks will need to invest in a mixer that has that capability, which will also increase the cost.
Stu Hughes
Me again sorry. I have just purchased a little yamaha msr100 to use as a monitor. I only have 1x1/4 jack to male xlr cables will the monitor out still work ok just coming out of one channel.
So long as you pan all the channels properly, it should work. So if you're using the left monitor output, pan all the channels (including the stereo channels) hard left. If you're using the right monitor output, pan all the channels hard right.

Stu Hughes
It's for live use so I can't pan channel really. Double quarter jack to xlr is not a common lead to buy. I'm a bit confused but thats not hard to do.
Well, try this: leave all of the mono channels panned center, then if you're using the left monitor out, pan all of the stereo channels to the left. If you're using the right mono out, pan all the stereo channels to the right. That should work and not require you to use any adapters.

James K
Hey MattLTH,
I'm pretty new to the audio engineering game and learning as I go. I've been looking hard at mixers and recently ordered this one to be delivered soon. As I'm continuing to learn the details of how I'll be using various pieces of equipment, I am wondering whether this mixer will allow me to set up mix -4 Skype calls for my podcast. I am hoping to do interviews long distance, using Skype and my set up. From your review and further research, I am unsure as to whether this mixer has the auxiliary outputs I need to send back all audio minus the Skype callers voice to the caller.

Can you lend me your insight as to whether I'll be able to operate mix minus Skype calls with this mixer?

Thanks in advance for your time.

Hi James,

I've never used the MG-series mixer in the configuration you've described. However, it might be possible to accomplish your task with the MG. While this particular mixer doesn't have an AUX send, it does have an effects (FX) send with a physical mono 1/4" output jack. Bear in mind that while AUX sends are pre-fader (unaffected by the position of the Level control), the FX sends are post-fader. Therefore, you'd need to leave the Level control turned up for that channel to send signal to the FX Send output.

If I've missed the point, let me know and I'll try to provide further information.

What kind of amplifier can used for this MG series ?
With the possible exceptions of a few rare and exotic tube hi-fi designs, any power amp will do. For PA systems, Yamaha make the P2500S, P3500S, and P7000S. However, you don't have to use a Yamaha amp, so you may want to look at the offerings of QSC, Crown, Peavey, and Crest Audio to name just a few. But if you need an amp for studio monitors for recording, many power amps have built-in fans that would be too loud and distracting. For recording purposes, make sure the amp you're looking at is passively (convection) cooled rather than equipped with a fan. Rolls offers several models without fans, but you could also look for a used Alesis RA-100 or Peavey CS200X.
Hi Matt great write up. I recently purchased for home page and recording my question is we are doing in ear monitoring and I want to come off the mixer monitor chanel into my headphones mixer so the musicians can hear eachother in the headphone mix. What I don't want is the instruments to play through the pa speakers only the monitor channel. Can this mixer do that ?
Hi Gman,

Unfortunately, the MG10XU isn't fully able to provide the function you need. The problem is that the FX control and FX Send output jack are post-fader, which means that the corresponding channel would have to be turned up for the corresponding FX knob to send signal out.

However, Channel 9/10 can be assigned to either the monitor output or the stereo output. Depending on how many instruments you needed channels for, you could plug one mono (or one stereo) instrument into that channel and assign it to only the monitor output. You could also add a small mixer into which you plug the instruments, then plug the output of that mixer into Channel 9/10 and have it assigned to the monitor output.

If you wanted a more highly configurable monitor mix, what you would need is a mixer with pre-fader AUX sends. The least expensive MG-series mixer with one pre-fader AUX send is the MG12 (MG12XU), and the MG16 (MG16XU) has 2 pre-fader AUX Sends, which would allow you to configure two discrete headphone mixes.

Sovathna Mg10xu
Now I have a problem relate with the power fault as I confuse to hold up the 220v in my country as that is 120v and now the logic board if fault. Can you guide me where should I order the part.. Please help me out....
Hi Sovathna,

I'm sorry to hear you have a problem with your mixer. I looked at the power supply that came with my MG10XU and it is 110 Volts for distribution in the United States of America. Sometimes (but not every time) Yamaha includes a power supply that will operate under either 110 or 220 volts / 50 or 60 Hz, but that is apparently not the case with this product. It's possible that using an AC adapter with the wrong voltage and frequency could damage the mixer, but it's also possible that the power supply was damaged and that the mixer was spared from damage. If you can find a proper power supply, I'd try that first. Otherwise, go to www.yamaha.com, choose the country in which you live, then look at their support options. (I'd send you the direct link, but I don't know where you live.)

I hope that helps,

Akhauri pritish
After reading so many review I purchased the Yamaha mg10xu audio mixer.

But too much of disappointment

I am not able to record the output of mix on my computer.

I can listen to computer playback which is coming out of mixer but not able to record anything. Same proble is being faced by many
I'm surprised to hear that. I record with my MG10XU quite frequently, and I can't remember any problems with the recordings or the playback thereof. However, I do have some recommendations to try.

First, make sure you've installed the most current USB driver for that mixer. Here's the download link:


Next, verify that you're using a compatible operating system. The most current driver supports Windows 7 through 10 in either 32-bit or 64-bit, while the Mac driver supports 10.9 through 10.12. Legacy versions of the driver can be found lower on the page for XP, Vista, or as low as Mac 10.5.

Next, make sure the mixer is plugged directly into a USB2.0 or 3.0 port on the computer. In other words, do not use a USB hub; make a direct connection to the computer USB port.

Lastly, depending on what software program you're using to record with, make sure you assign the software inputs to the Yamaha USB driver. There will be one for stereo, which (again, depending on the software) can usually be split into two mono inputs (left/right.)

I hope that helps. I assure you, recording with your mixer is absolutely possible.

Dear @MattLTH !

I would like to refresh the thread, because I found practically no other information on this subject on the Internet.

I use an old computer with Windows XP for recording, but with a brilliant sound card (there are no decent drivers for the newer system).

And here I have a problem with Yamaha MG10XU - drivers for Win XP from the website you provided (https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads_hardware/yamaha_steinberg_usb_driver.html) do not support MG10XU (this is the message I get). Indeed, there is no MG... in the list of supported hardware...

On newer drivers, the process hangs - it's probably right, since they were not written for XP.

And now the question is - do such drivers exist at all and is it possible to send the USB signal from Yamaha MG10XU to Win XP SP3 ???

I will be eternally grateful for your help and honest answer.
Configuring the Yamaha MG10XU Mixer

I have successfully configured the MIDI connections via the above and Finale 2006, but for some reason I am now unable to record any online audio via Adobe Audition. I am using the Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO and DRIVER. Can anyone help out there?
Let me see if I understand correctly. By "online audio", do you mean you're trying to record audio tracks from online sources like podcasts or video files? If so, you may need to look into an online audio solution like SoundFlower. That nifty utility lets you use the internal sound engine of the computer as an audio output source from which you can record from.

If that's not what you're attempting, please provide a little more info about the task you wish to accomplish and I'll do my best to help you.

Stu Hughes
I have been using mine with vocalive on the I pad and it works brilliantly.
Hi Matt and Stu,

Yes, I am trying to record audio from YouTube and BBC iPlayer TV and radio programmes. Up to the time I managed to configure my MIDI feed via the MG10XU and my MOTU Fast Lane interface there was no problem. In the process configuring for MIDI via "Finale2006", I wonder whether I have somehow by-passed the audio feed to Audition 3?

Unfortunately, I'm a muso and not an audio technician so you will have to forgive my ignorance. I'm happy to try any other audio program for recording, so will take a look at SoundFlower. In the meantime, thanks to you both for your responses.

Stu Hughes
Hi Matt
When recording with this mixer and my focusrite i track solo unit to my I pad using vocalive i still keep getting crackling during recording and then playback too. Although when I bounce the track down and email it the crackle disappears. Any ideas. It's not a constant crackle it comes and goes. I am using an old I pad 2. Could it be that possibly.
The iPad 2 is not nearly as powerful as the newer models, at least as far as raw processing power goes. I'd recommend increasing the buffer size of the driver in the iPad to see if that helps. If it does help, but the increased latency makes it more difficult to use, then it might be time to upgrade to a newer iPad.

Stu Hughes
Yes Matt I think I may treat myself to an i pad air. Thanks again
Hi Mr. Matt,
Have a nice day to You...
I have my MG10XU that is connected to my Windows 8.1 with Realtek Sound card which I properly set it up in a good level of recording....My Mic is connected to Mic/Line 1 and a headphone properly connected.My problem is If I do recording in Audacity or even Cubase the level of record is way too low and almost couldnt hear when i playback....Would You mind to teach me a step by step procedure to record using this MG10XU.
Hi Virgilio,

I'll try to help. Let me see if I understand your setup properly. You have a microphone plugged into Mic/Line input 1, then the output of the MG10XU (probably the Stereo Out) is plugged into the Realtek Sound Card? If that's the case, you'll need to make sure the proper gain and level are set on the mixer, and that the Stereo Out knob is turned up enough to send a proper signal level into the sound card. Since I don't know anything about the Realtek sound card, I'm not sure what sort of settings might be configured improperly thereon to result in low recording levels.

Because the MG10XU is capable of working as a sound card, I'd try installing the Yamaha drivers and plugging the mixer directly into the computer via USB. Then configure Audacity (or any other audio program) to use the ASIO driver for the mixer for sound recording and playback. That should insure you get optimal recording levels, and also a better signal-to-noise ratio because you eliminated one extra stop (the Realtek) along the noise highway.

Let me know if any of that helps,

yamaha mx10 recording issue
Hi Matt, I have an m10 xu, and I have a verylow input signal when recording with my at 20 20 in cubase! cheked levels in windows audio devices, and i've tried to turn up all evels on the mixer but still very poor signal.... what should I do?


Hi Marcel. I'll do my best to help you solve the problem. Which inputs are you trying to record into, and from what source? (i.e. Keyboard, turntable, guitar, microphone, etc.)

yamaha mx10 recording issue
Hi Matt, thanks in advance. Im recordin an acoustic guitar usina an at2020 conde ser mic. I Connecticut the mic ni input 1, plug phantom and turn the gain at 0db and the level at máximum, also the master level ir the mixer at máximum and the signal ia very poor.
The mic si placed very clase tô the guitar, and ir i turn up the Gaia os the Chanel i get distortion....
I don't know exactly what the problem is, but I have a guess: The AT2020 is a 'side-address' microphone, meaning that it receives signal from the side of the microphone rather than the top. Some people make the mistake of pointing the top of the mic towards the guitar like they would with a handheld mic, but that would result in low signal and bad sound.

Take a look at this photo:


See how the side of the microphone is pointed at the guitar? That's the right way to position the microphone.

To be clear, look at this photo of an AT2020 mic:


THAT is the front side of the microphone that you should point towards the guitar (or any sound source.)

I hope that's helpful,


Hi Matt,

I just bought this mixer couple of weeks ago and this is the first mixer I have ever used/owned. I have a quick question. The first 4 channels can be used for microphones but what about the rest ? The rest 6 channels are stereo channels with left and right. Now, if i connect my guitar with a 1/4 inch TS cable to channel 9 and press the red button near the channel 9/10 volume knob, I can get stereo sound through my speakers but what about channel 5-8 and 10 ? Can I get stereo sound from them by plugging in mono inputs ? Is there any way I can get 5 microphone connect to this mixer and a stereo output for my guitar. all of them together ?

Thanks in advance for the support and help.


Hi Ish,

You can plug any mono device into inputs 5, 7, and 9 to get sound from both the left and right output channels. However, you must be sure to not plug anything into inputs 6, 8, and 10 because that will split the corresponding channel inputs to stereo with odd-numbered channels sent to the left output only and even-numbered channels to the right output only. Another way to look at it is as a mixer with seven mono inputs, or four mono inputs and three mono or stereo inputs. Those last three inputs can be either mono or stereo depending upon how many connects to plug into the inputs.

I hope that's helpful,


Hi, Matt, I'm from Brazil, so sorry for my bad English. You already said that Yamaha MG 10 XU can be used as an audio interface for recording through a daw software. I was using M-Audio Fast Track Pro for my home recordings (eletric and acoustic guitars and vocals, basically, and some midi stuff eventually). I just bought an MG 10 XU. In your oppinion, what`s the best way to record an acoustic guitar (using 2 mics):
1 - mics > fast track pro> computer software
2 – mics >mg 10 xu > computer software
3 - mics > mg 10 xu > fast track pro > computer software

Should I keep the M-Audio Fast Track Pro (2x2) in my set or it is now disposable?
Thank you!

Hi Douglas,

I think you'll find your #2 scenario to be the best sounding and easiest to set up. I think the Yamaha mic preamps sound better than those found in the Fast Track Pro, too, but that's subjective.

I'd stay away from scenario #3 because you're cluttering the signal flow, and the more devices you have plugged together, the more noise, signal loss, and gain stage adjusting you'll have to make.

Try #2 and see if it provides the sound and setup you need. If it does, you can sell the Fast Track.

I hope that's helpful,


Hi Matt,

Your post is very helpful and really appreciate all the info here. I am just trying to figure out whether I should buy Yamaha MG10XU or Yamaha 12XU.
I need the mixer primarily for stage events like:
1) Feed music to mixer from laptop and then from mixer to QSC K-12 speakers for stage dance performances and keep two mic channels for Emcee as well.
2) Live singing with Karaoke music and my be couple of channels left for Guitar or Violin.
3) Play DJ music from Laptop -> Mixer -> Speakers for a crowd of 300 - 500 people.

For past stage events, I have rented several mixers like Mackie, Yamaha, Allen & Heath, etc. However, I have noticed that the audio recorded using Yamaha has always been richer & crisper. Not sure if it was because the last Yamaha mixer I rented (don't remember the model number) I used RCA Out from Mixer to AUX input to video camera; and the mixer where the audio didn't sound right (Mackie) I used Phone Out from Mixer to AUX inout to video camera.
Hi Kevin,

It depends largely on how many inputs you need, specifically the number of XLR inputs. If you need four or less, the MG10XU will work great. But if you need up to six, the MG12XU might be a better choice.

I think Yamaha makes the best-sounding small mixer on the market. However, I'd recommend staying away from recording out of any headphone output unless there are no other options. That's because the headphone out uses a small amplifier to power the headphones. That amp adds noise to any line level signal, and that will compromise the recording quality.

Can I connect a turntable directly to the MG20XU mixer? If the answer is yes which port do I use
The MG20XU does not have dedicated phono inputs. In other words, none of the inputs have an RIAA phono amplifier connected at the input jacks. So if your turntable has its own bullt-in RIAA amplifier, you can plug it into any of the inputs, including the 1/4" and RCA inputs. If your turntable lacks its own amplifier, you'll need to buy an RIAA phono amp for it, and then you can use any inputs.

Sandeep singh
Is yamaha mg10xu record 10 different channels on time in any Daw
No. The recording output to USB is the Stereo Output L and R signal. So you can record any two inputs individually by using the pan controls, or mixes thereof through the Stereo Output.

Mark P
I plan to use this as a small venue and practice PA system, primarily for vocals. I play acoustic guitar with a Fishman dual coil pick up. I have been using a Roland AC-60 for both guitar and mic.

I am thinking about using the balanced outputs from the Roland into 2 of the channels on the MG10xu to get signal from my acoustic, and then run the mic directly into the mixer.

Would I do better to just get a acoustic guitar preamp only? I like the acoustic chorus effect on the Roland, and will be using reverb on the mixer for vocals.

I think that's a good way to go, especially if you mount the Yamaha on a stand so that you can access the mixer controls easily. As far as the sound quality, I can't say how small or large the improvement will be, but it will be as good or better than what you're used to, especially since you can treat and EQ your vocals separately from the guitar.

Hi Matt,

I have a MG10XU as well as a UR22. Which provides a better sound quality? I'm doing simple recording (singing using a condenser mic) with a wav soundtrack using Cubase AI. The MG10XU was bought because of the FX effects like reverb, etc.
From a sonic perspective, the MG-series and UR22 have comparable components like the mic preamps, etc. I don't think you could pick one from the other in a blind listening test. But the MG certainly gives you more options and flexibility. It can be a live or recording mixer with EQ and effects, plus be an audio interface, where as the UR22 can't be a mixer, plus all the EQ and effects must be added in the DAW.

I hope all is well. I'm thinking about purchasing this for karaoke purposes. What is the best was (quality wise) to connect this from my laptop? 3.5 jacks or via the usb cable to mixer? OR will a USB audio adapter be of better quality?
For quality, I'd recommend connecting the MG to the computer via the built-in USB plug. That provides a completely digital connection between the mixer and laptop. You won't need a USB audio adapter.


I was wondering how I could connect my external effect to the unit. I appreciate your responses to my questions below:

Q1) In the article we read the input channels to return an external effect processor to the signal path. Can you show me one concrete example of such setup?
Q2) Does this support stereo FX or Mono FX?
Q3) What kind of cable do I need to use for the FX send connect? S/PDIF, regular Balanced 1/4 or Unbalanced 1/4?

Hi Matt, greetings from Greece

Could you please help ?
I am trying to get effects to my monitors or to any of the 1,2,3 auxes on my yamaha mg20xu
So far I cannot unless I route the signal from lets say aux 1 to a channel and then get the effects via aux 2.
However this includes all instruments in the mix which is not desirable.
I would greatly appreciate your comment at your convenience
Jo Big
i have a yamaha mg 10xu and i try to work with virtual dj , but the sound level is very low
i set line1 to the yamaha mixer

Jo Big
I recently hooked up my Yamaha MG10XU and got it to work on Virtual DJ with the usb connection via the mic settings but the main and mic outputs on the program are barely showing up on the programs' vu meters.

I have the computer and VDJ mic volumes for the mixer all the way up, tried several different audio settings from the output, card and input tabs, and have the latest hardware driver installed on the computer, but I still get the low output. I also checked on the VDJ site for anything on Yamaha controller drivers to download, but there isn't any. Is there a way, without having to raise up the db gain on the mixer that would add a ton a hiss, to get the audio up better on the usb side of it?
Can anyone help me on this please?
Saveen Sadanand
Ever since my Wins 10 updated couple of days ago, There seems to be an irritating pop and crackling sound coming out of my speakers, I use the Yamaha MG 10xu as my sound card via USB, and have had no problems previously. Now when i play a Fruity Loops track, it cracks, pops and there is an Audio cut out for a sec and then it comes back....What do i need to check and how to set it right?
Samuel Choi
Hi! I am currently deciding how to set up a home studio in an empty room (with three windows and 2 mirrors that slide to reveal a closet). I am planning to purchase the following:

(1) An Apple Macbook Pro, when the ARM update comes out. I am willing to wait for it.

(2) Rode NT1-A Anniversary Vocal Cardioid Condenser Microphone Package

(3) AKG PERCEPTION 170 Professional Instrumental , 7.40 x 3.50 x 11.30 inches, Sliver Blue - 3101H00410
(a) I am purchasing two of these mics for an acoustic guitar.

(4) Professional Studio Recording Microphone Isolation Shield, Pop Filter ,High density absorbent foam is used to filter vocal. Suitable for Blue Yeti and other condenser microphones (AO-504 With Stand)
(b) I would like to ask whether this shield is compatible with the vocal mic listed on (2)

(5) An electronic drum set (I forgot the name) that has a MIDI output and an R, L/MONO output

(6) For the DAW, I will choose Logic Pro, the latest version, when I purchase the MacBook.

(7) This Yamaha MG10XU 10-Input Stereo Mixer With Effects
(c) Is this compatible with the items listed above? If so, can you please list the types of cables (including the quantity and average length, please) that I need to connect the following items to this USB audio interface? Also, which cable do I need to connect this product to an Apple MacBook?

(8) What is an affordable pair of studio monitors that will pair nicely with this stereo mixer, under $500 in total?

I am mostly confused on what cables and adapters I will need to connect all those mics and mono outputs to the stereo mixer, and what cable I need to connect the stereo mixer to a MacBook pro.

Second, I would like for you to clarify these statements:

(1): Since I am recording with up to two mics at a time (guitar and piano), the stereo mixer will save both recordings from the mics as one track in Logic Pro.

(2): This stereo mixer will save each track to Logic Pro individually since I am only recording one instrument at a time.

Once again, the MAIN thing I am confused about is the wires. Please, please, please help me with choosing the wires that will connect the above instruments and mics to this stereo mixer. I don't know if this is too much to ask, but can you list the links leading to the following products?:

(1) ALL the wires I need, please

(2) Compatible studio monitors
(a) Please list the wires needed to connect this to the stereo mixer

(3) A Recording Microphone Isolation Shield, if the shield I listed all the way above, is not compatible with the microphone I listed. Otherwise, please state clearly that it is compatible, to save me from unnecessary hassle.

I greatly appreciate all your help and support. No pressure, but can you please respond ASAP, because I am in a bit of a rush. Thank you!

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