
Creating your own sampler instruments from rhythmic loops can be a great way to add variety and realism to the loop. For example, if you have an audio file of a drum loop and you want to rearrange t  

リズムループから独自のサンプラーインストゥルメントを作成すると、ループに多様性とリアリズムを追加するために素晴らしい方法することができます。あなたがドラムループのオーディオファイルを持っていて、ビートを再配置する場合、例えば、、ロジックの以前のバージョンで、これは非常に手動で時間のかかるプロセスとなります。それがズームインすることで、各過渡で切断する精度と時間を必要と、それ自身のゾーンにすべてのオーディオファイルを割り当て、それを保存し、新たなEXS24サンプラーインストゥルメントにロードし、新しいオーディオファイルに各領域を変換し....ロジック9 新しいサンプラーのトラック機能への新しい変換で、このプロセスに手間がかかる。そして我々はすべての日常的なタスクを実行する時間を切り取ることがクリエイティブであることとあなたの音楽を楽しんでより多くの時間を意味することを知っている!

ステップ1 -あなたのオーディオを選択してください

私はビートボックス08.cafと呼ばれるApple Loopsを使用して開始しました。これは新しいサンプラーのトラック機能への変換を使用して、初めての場合、私はリズミカルなループを使用することをお勧めしたい。この機能は、定義されたトランジェントとオーディオに最適です。

Drag or add your Audio loop onto an Audio Track in Logic's Arrange area.

ステップ2 -トランジェントを調整


  1. Double-click on the Audio Region to open it in the Sample Editor.
  2. Click on the Transient Editing Mode Button. It will turn orange and Logic will quickly calculate and place transient markers where it thinks they should go.
  3. You can now use the - and + buttons to remove or add transient markers or double click a transient marker to remove it or add your own using the pencil tool. To move a Transient marker simply drag it to a new position.


ステップ3 -それを変換!


アレンジローカルメニューから選択: オーディオを

地域を右クリックし、[選択: 新サンプラーのトラックに変換

Use (or assign your own custom) Key Command. Mine is set to Control + E

ステップ4 -サンプラートラックのオプション






ステップ5 -結果

Once you click OK. Logic now creates a new sampler instrument from your selection and mutes the original audio region. Not only that, it creates a new Software Instrument track, with an EXS24 loaded with the new Sampler Instrument and creates a MIDI region with trigger notes for every zone!




Rounik is the Executive Editor for Ask.Audio & macProVideo. He's built a crack team of professional musicians and writers to create one of the most visited online resources for news, review, tutorials and interviews for modern musician and producer. As an Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro Rounik has taught teachers, professional... Read More


Brilliant. Stumbled upon this by happy accident. Used to do this in Fruity Loops, had no idea this was so easy here too. Thank you!
Hi Eric,

Really glad you stumbled across this Blog Post! There's plenty more tips available. You can search our forums at www.macprovideo.com and of course the video tutorials are second to none. If you have any topics you'd like to see covered in this Blog area let me know. I'm up for suggestions!

btw, you may need to manually refresh the main blog page to check for updated posts on a daily basis. :)

Apple Logic 9 Music Loops Loop V
[...] For more info on how this feature works check out this earlier Blog post on "Convert to New Sampler Track". [...]
HI Rounik
Awesome!! I am so happy I found this blog. Everything is very understandable.

Rounik Sethi
Thanks Mogi! Pop by the macproVideo.com forums too for more tips and help to any questions!

Hi, this is awesome, I just have one question that none of the tuts on this feature seem to address -- if I'm making a sampler from slices of a vocal, and slice it up mid-wave form in all sorts of different places and then convert it to a sampler track, the resulting samples/sampler all have clicks at the beginning and end of each sample because i'm cutting them mid-waveform. is there any way to get the exs24 to do fade ins/outs of all the samples so that every instrument i make isn't a mess of pops and clicks?
Hi Alex, glad you found this useful!

The problem is probably because you haven't cut the audio at the zero crossing point (when you zoom really close in to the waveform you'll see the wave should start where it crosses the horizontal line - zero point. Cutting when it's mid-cycle or above or below will generally cause a click or pop).

While you can "snap edits to zero crossing" in the Audio menu from the Arrange area, I find it a bit flakey to be honest. Sample Editor works better.

Here's one way to remedy this...

1. When you slice up your audio region select all the individual regions.

2. In the Region Parameters box (top of the Inspector) add a small amount of fade in and fade out (5 or 10 ticks should be enough - but play it back and listen out for clicks.

3. With all regions (slices) selected choose Audio > Convert Regions to New Audio Files.

Now the fades have been written to each audio slice turn it into a sampler instrument.

Hope this helps :)
Thanks Rounik,

Fading in/out all the samples before converting to instrument was the first thing I thought of, but I have found that logic doesn't write the fades into the samples when I convert.

In your experience, does logic actually write the fades into the new files for the sampler instrument? If so we must have different settings at play...or something to that effect?
Hi Alex,

That's right, Logic 9 applies fades to audio regions non-destructively...

that's why I suggested to select all the regions and convert them to Audio Files... and THEN select them and convert them to a new sampler track.

This way the fades will be written to the new audio files :-)

Hope this helps
Ah, YES, missed that part. Thanks so much!!!!!
No problem Alex! There's always more than one way to do things in Logic... so this is just one solution (and I think the quickest) for what you need!


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