Posts with tag white-noise

/ 5 Articles

How To Use Noise For FX In Your Dance Music Productions

Sometimes paid less attention than other parts of a synth, the noise section is actually a powerful tool when designing sounds. Multiplier explains why.

Would you pay to Listen to 8 Seconds of White Noise? Taylor Swift Fans Do!

Taylor Swift's new album on iTunes briefly contained an unintentional bonus track consisting just of white noise. What's really interesting is how her fans lapped it up regardless sending it to #1.

Tuning White Noise Using Reason's Subtractor

When you think of white noise you might not feel inspired, but with some clever filtering tricks and when played through Reason's Subtractor you can create something musical and unique.

The Magic of White Noise in Logic Pro

White noise has many creative uses, from snares to kick drums and even lead sounds! Logic expert, David Earl, explores of all these in Logic Pro's ESP instrument.

Being Impulsive with White Noise in Cubase

REVerence, in Cubase, is a convolution reverb unit used to create realistic spacial effects. Chris McCoy shows how to create custom impulse responses by making some white noise.