Posts with tag logic-pro-bass

/ 3 Articles

Logic Pro's X's Bass Amp Designer: Not Just for Bass Guitarists

Bass amps are for bass players only? Nope! Kick open Logic Pro X and follow this excellent tutorial by Darren Burgos as he shows you how to use Bass Amp Designer in new and novel ways for synths.

Control a Wobble Bass Using a MIDI Note in Logic Pro

Wobble? Wub-wub-wubub-wub. You guessed it we're talking Dubstep and how to change LFO rates by pressing a MIDI note in Logic. David Earl shows how using Logic's Environment everyone can wobble.

Vowel EQ Shifting in Logic Pro

Talking basses aren't new, but they're seeing a revival in musical styles, from Dubstep to pop. Gary Hiebner demonstrates how to get that vowel, formant, talking bass style synth using Logic Pro's ES2