Posts with tag remove-low-end-frequency

/ 4 Articles

iZotope's New RX 7 Makes Audio Repair Easier for Musicians

New features in iZotope's RX 7 powered by machine learning, like Music Rebalance and Repair Assistant, open up new, creative possibilities for music producers.

Watch Out When Mixing Low End: Standing Waves & Room Modes

Understanding the acoustics of your working space is key to getting mixes that travel well, especially when it comes to low end. Joe Albano explains why.

Spectral Audio Editing in Adobe Audition

Editing audio waveforms had become run of the mill. If you want to get into editing frequencies of audio files, then spectral audio editing is for you. Gary Hiebner shows how using Adobe Audition.

Quick Tip : The importance of high pass filters

Whenever you need to remove low frequency from a sound, you may reach for your newest equalizer plug-in. This is fine but a simple high pass filter will often suffice. This approach can save time and