Posts with tag phase-cancellation

/ 4 Articles

Sound Radix Announces Auto-Align Post, New Plug-In For Audio Post-Production

Solve the problem of mic phase issues when using moving microphones, especially on a film shoot. Auto-Align Post aims to do just that.

5 Mistakes To Avoid For Stereo Image Processing When Mixing

Playing with the stereo field of your sounds can be a creative mixing technique. But as Joe Albano explains, there are some pitfalls you'll need to avoid.

Audio & Music Production Concepts: Understanding Phase

You've probably been warned of "phase" when recording with multiple microphones, or discovered phase issues when mixing down. But what is it actually and how can you make use of it when producing?

Mixing Guitars Part 2: Automatic Double-tracking Without Tears

In Mike Watkinson's 2nd tutorial in the Mixing Guitars series, learn how to double-track using the Middle & Sides technique. Gives greater width and mono compatibility!