Posts with tag iconnectmidi

/ 9 Articles

Review: iConnectAUDIO2+

Good for live or studio use, the iConnectAudio 2+ is a versatile 2-in 6-out audio & MIDI interface for musicians & DJs. Matt Vanacoro finds out just how good this interface is in this review.

Advanced MIO MIDI Interfaces Promise To Reimagine Our MIDI Workflows

iConnectivity were not content sitting on their laurels with the iConnectAUDIO range! The new MIO's (mio2, mio4, and mio10) are flexible, powerful and will raise the bar of what MIDI interfaces can do

Review: iConnectAUDIO4+

What could iConnectivity do to improve upon their already excellent MIDI interfaces? How about an audio & MIDI interface for iOS/Mac/PC? Matt Vanacoro breaks down in joy reviewing iConnectAUDIO4+.

Using iPad Synths in Logic Pro X

There are some meaty and capable synths available for iPad. Don't keep the iOS music platform separate from Logic Pro X. With a little know-how, you can integrate iOS synths directly into Logic.

NAMM 2015 VIDEO: First iConnectivity Audio Interface

Discover what's new and cool with the capable iConnectivityAudio4+ audio and MIDI interface in our exclusive video.

Expert Sleepers FH-1 Eurorack Connects with MIDI Controllers, Launch Controls and iPads

Building up to NAMM comes a rather exciting announcement from Expert Sleepers. Their new FH-1 "faderhost" Eurorack module connects USB MIDI controllers to a modular synth. Watch the videos below.

NEWS: iConnectivity Announces iConnectAUDIO4+

The latest news to come out of the iConnectivity labs is the iConnectAUDIO4+ which has garnered much interest from the music world at large after it was shown off at the NAMM show 2014.

NAMM 2014: iConnectivity Announces iConnectMIDI2+

Do you want 2x2 hybrid multi-host MIDI interface with audio support? iConnectivity's iConnectMIDI2+, supports Mac, PC and iOS. We stumbled upon this find at their booth and saw Eyal Amir there too!

NAMM 2012 Interview: iConnectivity and SynthX for iPad

VIDEO: Back in Jan 2011, many viewed the iOS platform as one with limited uses for creative musicians. One year on and a lot has changed. Steve H finds two companies that are pushing the boundaries.