Cubase 11 has everything for your mixing and mastering needs! Join Cubase expert Matthew Loel T. Hepworth in this course and get ready to bring your mixing and mastering skills to the next level!
Get a complete guide to the fundamentals of audio recording and editing in Cubase 10 with this comprehensive and easy-to-follow new course.
Understand the relationship between hardware and software levels when recording in Cubase with this quick explainer video from Matt Hepworth.
Steinberg's flagship DAW turns 30 years old, and it's bigger and better than ever. With a host of new features, tools and technologies, Hollin Jones road tests Cubase Pro 10.
In this series we're going to take you through all the stages involved in producing a track in Cubase, from getting started to final mastering. In the first part we'll tackle setting up your project.
Getting your tracks to sound great and perfecting workflow in Cubase can be easier than you think if you follow these expert tips'¦
You'll spend a lot of time editing audio parts in Cubase. Here are some useful timesavers and power tips from Hollin Jones to help you along the way!
If you're looking for a grittier edge for your productions, Cubase has all the tools you need! Hollin Jones is on hand to show you how.
Just when you thought Cubase 7 satiated your desire for creative tools, Steinberg releases Cubase 7.5. Is it appealing enough to be an audio stocking stuffer? Find out in our world-first review.
Freely available Cubase iC Air unleashes new level of control, freedom & flexibility within Cubase 7 & Cubase Artist 7 when interacting with Leap Motion Controller or Intel systems.
Getting started creating EDM? Here are 5 excellent tips for producing electronica in Steinberg's Cubase, courtesy of Mo Volans.
The Chord Track in Cubase 7 is a powerful new feature designed to help you transfrom your music quickly. Hollin Jones introduces some timesaving tips and hints in this tutorial.
If you listen to professionally produced songs featuring synths, you may be fooled into thinking the synth is a single preset. Matt Loel T Hepworth dispels the illusion by layering them up in Cubase.
Not as proficient with the keyboard as you'd like to be? Or perhaps just looking for compositional inspiration? Cubase has the cure with its MIDI generative tools. Hollin Jones jumps right in.
Mangling, crunching, smashing or gently warming up sounds has never been easier thanks to Cubase 7's suite of plug-ins. Hollin Jones digs in the dirt, sonically speaking.