Posts with tag double-tracking-logic

/ 4 Articles

Double Your Pleasure: Doubling Mixing Tricks

Doubling is a relatively simple yet effective trick for creating depth, richness and interest in an arrangement and a mix. Joe Albano shares his top tips for doubling up.

Mixing Guitars Part 2: Automatic Double-tracking Without Tears

In Mike Watkinson's 2nd tutorial in the Mixing Guitars series, learn how to double-track using the Middle & Sides technique. Gives greater width and mono compatibility!

Phase Out Phase: Quick and Easy Automatic Double Tracking in Logic

Whether invented by accident by Les Paul or, as others say, by Ken Townsend at Abbey Road in 1966 (and used on John Lennon's voice), automatic double tracking (ADT) is a way of thickening...

Quick Tip : Super quick, virtual double tracking in Cubase 5

Ask the majority of sound engineers or producers and they'll tell you there is no substitute for real double tracking. Saying that not all of us have the time (or the vocalist!) to create authentic do