The good folks at Electronic Beats spotted this excellent video demo by Rare Beasts of his rotary sequencer made from LEGO.Â
So you're fascinated with the idea of DIY MIDI controllers or devices that can interface with Ableton Live or any DAW... but don't know where or how to start? Makey Makey does the hard work for you.
The bathroom section of IKEA might not make you think of furniture for your music studio. Here's a hack to turn toilet roll holders into a modular synthesizer case!
Home or project studios are certainly convenient, but not always well-designed spaces. If you're interested in taking your home studio to the next level here's how to make the room nice and quiet.
If you've ever wondered what a MIDI Controller built from 4 computer keyboards (made out of 400 keys) would be like, then this 3 minute video will be your cup of tea.
Want an easy DIY music project that'll result in a nifty MIDI sustain pedal? You're in the right place. Joshua Casper shows how to easily create your own MIDI sustain pedal circuit.
Blokas have created pisound, an ultra-low latency high-quality sound card and MIDI interface for Raspberry Pi which you can even run Pure Data patches from.
Jens Paldam tipped us off about his new video which is more awesome than I can put into words. He shows how to make your own Eurorack case out of cardboard that looks great and can be modular too.
Martin Walker has created an expansion for the Korg MS-20 that looks to take it to new heights'¦ literally. If you don't immediately mutter 'wow' you need to check your pulse.
Here's a project which won't take long and you'll end up with a capacitive touch keyboard piano. Sweet. And you can re-use the aluminum foil as a hat to keep your ideas secret and safe from'¦ 'them'.
Teensy is similar to Arduino, but perhaps better suited to making a USB MIDI controller. Liam Lacey shows how to make your own DIY MIDI controller using Teensy with 8 retro arcade push buttons.
It's not everyday you wake up and think, I'm going to make a drum machine in 3 days. But that's what KBob has done. And It's using Mutable Instruments modules, Teensy, JIGMOD and a 3D printer!
Liam Lacey, winner of the Element14 Open Source Music Tech Design Challenge, for his hardware polyphonic digital synthesizer shares 5 pieces of advice for every aspiring DIY hardware synth maker.
If we told you that you could build your own omnidirectional condenser microphone for less than $8 in under 3 minutes you might not believe me. But you can! And Joshua Casper shows you how.
Joshua Curry has created a Raspberry Pi synthesizer, named Blue Order. It's menu system has been written in Python mainly based from example script that came with the Displayotron Hat display.Â