Watch How To Create A Stunning Sync Lead With Kilpatrick Audio's Analog Patchable Phenol Synth

The Phenol synthesizer offers the power and flexibility of a modular system in a sleek, portable form factor. Rishabh Rajan takes you through the process of patching together an awesome sync lead.  

The Phenol synth from Kilpatrick is a unique and powerful instrument with almost infinite possibilities for sound creation. In this video from the complete course, synth expert Rishabh Rajan jump-starts your Phenol knowledge by walking you through the steps needed to create an awesome sync lead patch. 

Explaining exactly which sections to connect together, Rishabh demonstrates how the various oscillators, envelopes and filters work together to generate, morph and process audio signal. Showing how adding modulation and manipulating envelopes can quickly change and sculpt the sound, you will also learn how different oscillator waveforms can have a huge impact on the end results. 

By following Rishabh’s example you will see that making your own unique sounds with this amazing instrument isn’t nearly as daunting as you might have thought. Synthesis demystified!

Watch the complete course here:

Introducing The Phenol

We love modular synths of every kind, shape and format! And this synth, the Kilpatrick Phenol, really caught our attention! With its very cool looks, interesting layout and Buchla banana plug patching scheme, the Phenol truly captured our imagination. So we assigned synth expert Rishabh Rajan to show you how the Phenol works and, along the way, reinforce your synthesis knowledge-base! 

Rishabh covers this little modular in its entirety: layout, signal flow, control voltages, sequencer/looper, filters, modulation sources and more. By the way, although the Phenol uses Buchla-style banana plugs (which are perfect for multis) you can use banana-to-minijack cables to integrate the Phenol with any Eurorack or other system!

So dig into this inspiring little synth now and see what it's all about!

Watch the complete course here:


Hollin Jones was classically trained as a piano player but found the lure of blues and jazz too much to resist. Graduating from bands to composition then production, he relishes the chance to play anything with keys. A sometime lecturer in videographics, music production and photography post production, Hollin has been a freelance w... Read More


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