This Poster Shows What's Really Happening Inside The Minimoog Synthesiser

Ever wonder what's really going on inside the iconic, monophonic Minimoog analog synthesizer when you're playing it? This poster reveals just that'¦  

OK. So, if you were expecting to see circuit boards and cables you might be a little disappointed. But, the latest “Inside Information” poster from Dorothy provides a more creative illustrative approach that we think is even more engaging than what’s really going on inside!

Here’s some info from Dorothy on her awesome 3 colour litho print 50 x 70cm poster:

“The latest addition to our Inside Information range of prints celebrates the cult of the Minimoog and the many musicians influenced by it.

Dorothy Inside Information Minimoog close-up 1

“Prior to the launch of the Minimoog in 1970 synthesisers were large, modular machines designed purely for use in the studio. The Minimoog was the world’s first portable (and affordable) synthesiser. Billed as ’The Moog for the road’ - it revolutionised music, acquired a cult like following (which it still enjoys to this day) and quickly became the most popular synth of its time.

Dorothy Inside Information Minimoog close-up 2

“Dorothy’s cutaway print imagines a miniature world of musicians hidden inside the Minimoog. The illustration features 28 cameo’s from some of the world’s greatest electronic music pioneers all beavering away doing their own ’thing’. Follow the visual clues and see if you can identify the likes of Sun Ra, Keith Emerson, Pink Floyd, Kraftwerk, Brian Eno, David Bowie, Gary Numan (and his Tubeway Army), Giorgio Moroder, New Order, Daft Punk, The Prodigy, Mr Bob Moog himself...and more.”

Dorothy Inside Information Minimoog close-up 3

The Minimoog poster will set you back just £30 GBP plus P&P. Certainly one for Moog lovers the world over.


[Via: Designboom


Learn about how synthesis really works inside Moog synths… you know, like LFOs, filters, CV, etc in The AskAudio Academy here


Rounik is the Executive Editor for Ask.Audio & macProVideo. He's built a crack team of professional musicians and writers to create one of the most visited online resources for news, review, tutorials and interviews for modern musician and producer. As an Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro Rounik has taught teachers, professional... Read More


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