Recensione: Wasaphone Maroc Microfono

For lo-fi, unique-character recordings, Wasaphone's Maroc microphone may be the alternative mic you've always wanted but didn't realise. Hollin Jones finds himself under its influence.  

Un sacco di uso generale microfoni di studio sono progettati per avere un suono abbastanza neutro in modo che qualsiasi

Wasaphone è un costruttore indipendente con sede nel Regno Unito di costume

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I video sul sito web mostrano il tipo di cosa che Maroc è ideale per: armoniche, folk, chitarre e

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A soli





Hollin Jones was classically trained as a piano player but found the lure of blues and jazz too much to resist. Graduating from bands to composition then production, he relishes the chance to play anything with keys. A sometime lecturer in videographics, music production and photography post production, Hollin has been a freelance w... Read More


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