The Moog Mother 32 combines the legendary sound of the Moog synths with a powerful sequencer. Output Movement is a powerful multi-FX rhythm plug-in with lots of eye candy. Was happens when you combine the two together and your name happens to be Gustaf Fjelstrom? Something special, that’s what!
Our friends at Output tell us that artist Gustaf Fjelstrom “recently purchased both MOVEMENT and a Moog Mother 32 and decided to create a quick track using the two”. If you’ve listened to the track above, then you’ll know the result was really beautiful!
In this video you can watch Gustaf take you “track by track through the music, showcasing the Moog sounds before and after Movement.”
Movement is an exciting and powerful FX plugin that adds RHYTHM to any input in real-time. Built equally for the studio or stage, use the engine to breathe life into any track or live performance.
The Moog Music Mother-32 is a tabletop semi-modular synthesizer with a distinctive analog sound.
Read our review of Output Movement here:
Read our review of the Moog Mother 32 here:
Watch our video tutorials for the Mother-32 here.
[Via: Output]
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