新:Native Instruments公司的损害由Heavyocity

Native Instruments have announced their latest instrument, Damage - the successor to the widely acclaimed 'Evolve' series. Read & Watch all the details on this exciting hard-hitting, cinematic product  

2011年10月10日,Native Instruments公司宣布一项新的文书,伤害 - 广受好评的进化系列的继任者。继承人所有对这个令人兴奋的新的强硬电影打击乐仪器的细节... ...


由于Heavyocity有口皆碑的“进化”系列的继任者,损害创造了超过两年涉及独特的录音及音响设计技术的过程中。该仪器是根据个别样品超过25,000 24bit/96Kz记录使用国家最先进的设备,造成30 GB源材料。在各种高端工作室康涅狄格垃圾场的位置不等的各种声音被抓获,并包括来自传统乐器的打击乐爆炸车和起重机从高空下降的对象所有可能的类型。

Want 30GB of hard-hitting cinematic percussion? Check out Damage!




损伤将在11月,建议零售价为$ 339 / 299欧元。

Find out more about Damage on the Native Instruments website here.

Rounik is the Executive Editor for Ask.Audio & macProVideo. He's built a crack team of professional musicians and writers to create one of the most visited online resources for news, review, tutorials and interviews for modern musician and producer. As an Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro Rounik has taught teachers, professional... Read More


To be honest…… I'm so excited about getting this one !!! I just made a sound design track with Evolve Mutations 2 yesterday, I need Damage !

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