Unfortunately, we’re not able to embed the audio demos of Vermona’s Mono Lancet’15 here. The files are kind of locked to their website. So, if you want to listen to some impressive, eclectic audio demos of this monophonic analog synthesizer then head to their product page and click “demos” at the top of the right-hand column.
Here’s what Vermona say about the Mono Lancet ’15 & Modular Dock:
Mono Lancet ’15
Mono Lancet ’15 was released earlier this year as successor of the popular Mono Lancet synthesizer expander. Little reminder: It has an upgraded LFO with five waveforms and random.
The product page is now updated with specific audio demos. Xtront, who made the demos, uses the additional LFO waveforms as well as modular dock to show the capabilities of the little synth.
You can find Mono Lancet'15 for around £350 GBP / 479 EUR (inc. tax).
Modular Dock
Also the eurorack-expansion Modular Dock finally got its product page. You have a modular system? Modular Dock is a great addition and integrates with Mono Lancet ’15 just perfectly.
You don’t have a modular system but are keen on owning one? The combination of Mono Lancet ’15 and Modular Dock is a great way to get started in the modular world.
Here’s a list of the audio demos by xtront for the Mono Lancet’15. You’ll need to head over to their website to listen to them:
xtront (Mono Lancet ’15)
- 16 Steps & FM Madness
- Brute Factor (with int & ext FM-Source)
- Envelope & slow Triangle LFO
- FM-Monster! (int & ext FM-Source)
- Glider
- Noise Sequence (with external VCA modulation)
- One-Shots & LFO-Domination
- Pulse-Sequence with new LFO waveforms
- PWM Sounds (modulated with an ext LFO)
- some analogue Classics
- Sub Bass (VCO2 patched to Filter)
- VC-Tremolo (VCA modulated with an ext LFO)
- VCO Detune
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