iPad的修改:对ALESIS IO码头

There are a growing number of accessories and controllers aimed at the iPad-wielding digital musician. Mike Watkinson takes a close look at the new Alesis iO Dock and all it has to offer.  



我不得不承认我有点腻味的质量和重量的IO基座。 (在发射前的宣传图片看起来金属)也许是因为我的期望很高,但尽管它看起来坚实它其实是很轻,不像我已经测试的另一个设备轻微的感觉plasticky(好了,它是由塑料制成)最近,阿凯SynthStation 25,这让第四代iPod touch的。从基座连接器(它实际上是为iPhone 3G设计的)挂在半空,爱丽斯提供一个额外的托盘,如果你是一个iPad 2业主,因为它有一个比原来的iPad的机身更薄。这锁定到位,一旦iPad已经停靠,设置感觉很多较大幅度的。 iPad是坚决IO基座和橡胶垫脚举行,这使牢固的安装,非常适合现场使用。


随着3 6伏的电源连接,并接通,IO停靠费的iPad,并提供幻象电源2通过麦克风XLR连接器,双达1 / 4 TRS连接线/吉他输入。输入2有一个开关之间做出选择,这是选择,所以它也是适当的积极吉他阻抗吉他和麦克风/线路。两个输入修剪/增益控制。背面板上的连接器包括一个脚踏开关插座,视频输出通过RCA插座,锚后PSU的电缆,以确保在生活情况。视频输出选项是令人失望的,因为我一直希望能够以镜像ipad公司的视频输出,而访问IO底座所提供的音频选项,但此选项只有少数的应用程序(YouTube上,主题演讲和其他几个人的支持)。






Stereo recording options in GarageBand.

为iPad GarageBand中的立体声录音选项。



所以,一个有趣的概念:一个iPada移动计算deviceand停靠办公桌结合的音频/ MIDI接口,和你拿走拥有一个iPad,即其流动性的关键原因。什么,你得到的回报(用正确的应用程序,当然)是一个全功能的2 - 2出带有MIDI功能的简单的数字音频工作站。结合多种可用的音频和MIDI相关的应用程序,和你有一个系统,不能不提高你的创造力。新增的iPad的适用性,


观看下文丹雷丁ALESIS IO基座宣传片:

Mike has been obsessed with music software since he first saw Fairlight's Page-R, and has tracked its development through his work as a performer, composer and producer. As a writer he has contributed articles to Sound On Sound since 1999, and currently writes their Apple Notes column. As well as being a certified Logic Pro and Pro Too... Read More


Hey Mike, excellent review! This thing has had my curiosity peaked ever since I heard about it. How big is it? I'm just wondering if it makes the iPad bulkier than a MacBook in which case, the functionality of the MacBook wins by a longshot. Love hearing about this stuff! Thanks!
The IODock measures 6.5 x 21.5 x 27.5 cm; the smallest MacBook Pro measures 2.41 x 32.5 x 22.7 cm. So it's closer to the smaller MacBook Air - but these are much bigger when you open the lid! Also they are significantly more powerful than an iPad and run a completely different set of software. On the other hand the IODock has a lot of sockets and controls, none of which come with a MacBook. Plus you could get two of these and two iPads for the price of a MacBook Pro (and no audio interface). So quite difficult to make any direct comparisons then!!

Glad you liked the review

Hello everybody .

I got Alesis iO Dock and VocLife ....and gues what ?
VocaLife told me that mic input is not supported .

What for big dissapoitment .
How they can permit them selfs to not support the best music docking in the world i can`t undertand ?

Please be so kind to give me advise which software I can use for vocal processing which is compatible with iO Dock .
Thanks and All the best
Sorry to hear about the issue with VocaLive. When you say 'processing' what do you want to achieve?
has anyone discovered how to remove the iPad from the dock? without doing any damage
Thinking of purchasing one of these and using my ipad for live gigs, I sing solo to backing tracks (currently minidisc format)
If I change to performing using the ipad,
1- will I use itunes to play the tracks ?
2 - connect my normal mic through the idock
3- I like reverb on my live vocals, can someone advise the best app to use please

Thanks in advance

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