Want a 2-in, 6-out audio interface where you can control the levels from the front panel. The iConnectAUDIO2+ is definitely a contender for your attention then. But there’s more that marks this one out from the crowd.
Watch our interview with iConnectivity at NAMM 2016:
As you’d expect with iConnectivity interfaces there’s MIDI In/Out and they don’t stop there. There’s a port to connect to your Mac/PC as you’d expect. But, there’s a second port to connect to Mac/PC or iPad to use it simultaneously. The iConnect Audio 2+ is powered by a regular power adaptor and will then draw enough power to charge a connected iPad too. very useful.
The iConfig software that comes with the device runs on Mac, PC and iOS. It allows you to route audio and MIDI flexibly to multiple places. There’s a lot you can do with these…
You can pick up one of these unique interfaces with a bit of shopping around for around the $200 mark. Considering what this interface is capable of it’s a bit of a steal. Should be available very soon…
Web: http://www.iconnectivity.com/products/audio/iConnectAUDIO2plus
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