
For many who are new to audio recording with computers, and even some who have worked with them for a while, but are a little timid; automation has appeared as almost a dark art. For some, once they'v  


如果你在上面列出的任何类别的秋天,让我告诉你, PROPELLERHEAD的记录应用程序实际上使自动化的乐趣,很容易。

Within this tutorial, I'd like to show you a quick, and easy way to get going with Record automation. So, sit back, and let's have a look!

This tutorial will also work for people that only have the Record demo, which includes the demo song from 'the Baguettes', known as 'We Get it On. At this point, go to File and select 'Demo Song - We Get it On.'


一旦演示歌曲加载,定位在混频器的左边的圈套轨道。如果你悬停在混频器, 按住 Shift键,移动你的滚轮,你会发现,混频器将自动滚动。


现在, 点击右键 - 点击 ,或控制 -小鼓推子和选择“ 编辑自动化 ”。


一旦你选择“ 编辑”自动化 “的周围会出现一个绿色方块的圈套推子。此外,在音序器窗口下面,你会发现自动化车道下方级别已知的圈套里出现。


At the moment, the automation lane is quite small. By holding down the Option+Command buttons and moving your mouse's scroll wheel up, or down, you can increase the width. By holding down Shift+Option+Command, you can change the length.



在搅拌机的小鼓推子再次右键单击, 选择清除自动化“。

很容易,不是吗?此外,如果你使用非出版的歌曲内记录,你有能力按的记录,只需打开推子,旋钮等,并记录将“实录”旋钮动作。犯了一个错误呢?只需右键单击旋钮,推子等,并选择“清除自动化” 。



Sound Designer, Musician, Author... G.W. Childs has worn many hats. Beginning in the U.S. Army back in 1991, at the age of 18, G.W. began learning electronics, communications and then ultimately audio and video editing from the Department of Defense. Upon leaving the military G.W. went on to work for many exciting companies like Lu... Read More


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