Free M4L Device: SA.Wash from SirenAudio

There's lots of cool Max for Live devices available. Now you can add Wash from SirenAudio to that list. Using comb filters it creates a unique reverb style effect.  

May 23, 2015'"Wash is a Max Audio Effect that uses comb filters to create a reverb style effect. The aim of the device is to create dense washes of sound (akin to a watercolour wash).


  • del fb (delay feedback): determines the amount of feedback, with higher values producing longer sustains.
  • del time (delay time): changes the length of time of the delay.
  • mod freq (modulation frequency): controls the frequency of the sine wave modulation oscillator. 
  • mod depth (modulation depth): changes the depth or amount of the modulation. 
  • jitter var (jitter variation): This modulation stage uses low pass filtered white noise, and the variation sets the cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter, with higher values producing more erratic variation. 
  • jitter depth: This parameter controls how much jitter is added to the delay time.
  • low cut: attenuates low frequencies from the effect
  • damping: attenuates high frequencies from the effect.
  • dry wet: fades between the dry and effected audio signals.
  • ef. gain (effect gain): scales the gain of the effect. This parameter is useful when the effect has high feedback settings as the volume can build up quickly.
  • clear button: In between the final two parameters is a button that will clear audio from the delays.

Note that changing the delay time, jitter, and modulation parameters will affect the pitch of the effected audio. 

Here's a short demo of the device with Live's Analog synthesiser device:

Here's a link to the device at the Max for Live database:

Rounik is the Executive Editor for Ask.Audio & macProVideo. He's built a crack team of professional musicians and writers to create one of the most visited online resources for news, review, tutorials and interviews for modern musician and producer. As an Apple Certified Trainer for Logic Pro Rounik has taught teachers, professional... Read More


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