Critter & Guitari design and build musical instruments (and video synths) that are fun, intuitive and encourage creative exploration. Their popular Bolsa Bass has now been released in a white edition and the new Organelle finds itself with some tasty new modes.
Here’s what Owen and Chris tell us about the latest new from their Brooklyn based labs.
Bolsa Bass White
The Bolsa Bass now comes in Neon Pink and White ! Get your low end & bass sequencer in a new color! Check out this video of the Bolsa in Action!
New Modes for the Organelle!
Check out these videos of three new Organelle modes below. They show off the Organelle's ability to synthesize, be a drum machine and effect incoming audio!
If you haven't done so lately, check out our patch repository: We've uploaded some really fun patches. All Organelles now come with 27 patches (modes) with more on the way!
Granular Freezer uses the effects-processing capabilities of the Organelle to granularize an incoming audio signal and make it playable across the keyboard.
Think of it as a looper for sonic textures!
Pow Pow's Polybeats is an addictive polyrhythmic drum machine mode that let's you build up beats really easily!
The synth patches: Chords Roll, Analog Style and Nice Surprises are featured in this video where an external MIDI keyboard controls the Organelle!
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