It was back in late July 2016, amidst the fervour and excitement surrounding the impending DeepMind 12 synthesizer that Uli Behringer revealed details on the 12-voice analog poly synth and plans for more music machines to come.
At the time, Uli Behringer explainsed that, “the response for this synth has been so overwhelming that we have decided to establish a comprehensive Synthesizer Division. We are currently hiring 30 engineers and product managers in the UK and Canada; feel free to apply.”
He also requested feedback: “Please share with us what synths, drum machines, samplers etc. or features you like to have. Be assured we will carefully listen.”
Well, now the time has come to provide some suggestions relating to a proposed Behringer analog drum machine according to Behringer’s Facebook page:
“With the tremendous success of the DeepMind12, we are now repeatedly getting asked to design and produce an analog drum machine.
"We would love to hear your opinion and invite you to share your ideas and dream features with us. Many thanks!”
It’s interesting their call for an analog drum machine comes so soon after the announcement of Arturia’s DrumBrute, which quite frankly looks amazing, sounds great, has good specs, and a price that will take some beating from the competition. Of course, Behringer products are well known for being more than competiveily priced. Oh, we shouldn’t forget to mention the latest Korg volca Kick which we sincerely loved in our review here… and the new Roland Boutique TR-09, which isn’t strictly analog, but uses ACB (analog circuit behavior) tech to emulate analog. Will the new Behringer analog drum machine look to borrow any ideas from these machines? Will they look for inspiration from DSI's Tempest or Elektron's Analog RYTM instead?
Now is your chance to help Behringer decide what new features they could bring to the table in an analog drum machine.
So what would you like to see in a future Behringer analog drum machine? A sequencer? Analog / hybrid? Digital or analog effects? I/O connectivity? Filters? Velocity sensitive pads? And what about the price?
Should a Behringer drum machine be competing in terms of price and features with the likes of the Korg Volca Kick/Beats, the Arturia DrumBrute, or the DSI Tempest or Elektron’s Analog RYTM?
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